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Feliza S

3D Character. Step I: Story and Concept

One of the main tasks this year is to develop a 3D Character and animate it.

I've been thinking for a long time about the character I would want to create.

I decided to draw something cute and simple, so I ended up with this creature:

My first idea was to create a story about this creature seeing the flower for the first time in the snowy mountains. He tries to save the flower from the cold and wind and fells asleep around it.

And when would wake up he would be surrounded by the whole field of flowers.

But later I refused this idea. I thought it wouldn't be possible to show everything I would be happy to explain in just 30 seconds of animation. So I came up with another idea about tiny love messaging episode about two fantastic creatures, one of whose lives in the snowy mountains and other lives in a green forest in the foothills.

The scene starts as the white winter creature makes the small wooden boat, places the snowdrop flower inside of it and let it go in the water down through the river flow. Next camera follows this boat, how fast and dangerous is it going through the stream, finally arriving at the calm waters of the foothills. The female forest creature stops the boat and takes it out of water. She takes the flower, and we can see her looking at the snowy mountains.

And yes, we needed a lady for this story. Here she is.

I made some sketch frames later to visualise how it might look in the end. I really would love it to be a 3D animation that looks like 2D art. I want to use simple forms and warm colours.

The next step will be to create the storyboard and timeline. And...start modelling! *_*


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