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Feliza S

Brief #3 Back to traditional art.

From the moment I've bought my first drawing tablet - I was so into digital art, I barely took brushes and paints into my hands. And now the self-isolation started. And this is the time when we finally remember about our hobbies, about our passions that we may put to the side to complete some work. This is the reason why I decided to choose a Plein air image brief for my next work. As the law tells me to stay home and I can't make an actual live picture, I decided to redraw the photo I took last summer in Spain. I started up by approximate sketch. This picture is a one-point perspective, so to make the things more comfortable, I created the perspective lines right from the start.

This stage took a lot of time. I kept erasing and redrawing the buildings as they kept appearing curved or proportionally wrong. After finishing the sketch, I started to add colours. I used acrylic and gouache paints. I made the first mistake by colouring each part of the picture in its way. This act made my troubles on the final line when it was time to tone the image. I think it is better to either start by colouring the whole picture light tones of colours and after darkening picture. Or to start with the darkest spots and move to the brightest.

I became quite passionate about this painting. I loved drawing, and I was doing it during the late-night and early mornings, outside and inside for the whole week. I've been changing the things all the time; for example, in the end, I wouldn't say I liked the too dark shade of blue in the sky and recoloured it to the lighter one. I loved this brief. The result is not perfect at all, and if I would have to do it again - I would probably do a lot of things differently. For example, I would instead learn on a smaller paper(I used A3). Also, I would add more shades and highlights. But still, as it's the first architectural painting made traditionally, I am pleased about this experience.


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