I'm trying to choose something challenging for myself to do. I truly believe every experience should bring an new experience and growth of the skills. So this time I chose the sketching the rugged character face brief.
I started with the sketching different faces (no, to be honest I started by trying to translate the word "rugged" and found out that there is not such word in my language).
I don't draw the male faces often, that's why I decided to go for it this time.

So in the end, I have stopped on this option:

I started to outline the face and change/add things around.

It was hard to find the way to add the ruggedness to my "cute" way of drawing people.

After finishing the face, I started to add shades on the skin to make the face more textured.
I used different grey shades end ended up with this result.
At the next step I've started to experiment with the different hairstyles and facial hairs.

I really liked the middle option, but there was something I didn't liked in the face. So I decided to go back and to make just in case a second option.

So I went back, changed the nose, jawline, and proportions. And added some scars and new hair.
And this is the final result.

His name is Isteka.
His mother was Indian-American, and his father was an American general who, with his army, killed everyone in the tribe, and took her as a trophy.
Isteka's mother became pregnant, and when Isteka was born, she decided to run away because she knew that the general would kill the bastard.
She escaped with the child to the woods and wandered there trying to find food, but became very ill. The Apache tribe found them.
Mother dies, and Isteka remains in the tribe. He grows, but the attitude towards him is different due to the colour of his skin. He feels lost, as he is not entirely accepted in any of societies. He grows as a cruel, but very loyal man, becomes a ruthless killer, a reward is announced for his head.